The Vanities


Discovered on a compilation of the Japanese label Ano (t) racks with the song Waniwanipanic, the band The Vanities is then composing his first album. An allegory of the vanities of human life (1640, Harmen Steenwyck) is used as a literal illustration of the group and album name, with the presence in the painting of a katana that only the Dutch of the 17th century could pretend to hold, in a difficult context of trade between Japan and the rest of the world: the importation of the Tochigi group towards France resonates with this aspect of the painting. The saber index is again evoked, with a black audio tape placed on a pink silk print similar to the one on the painting. The release is available in audio tape box edition and limited to 50 copies.

Release Date : April 7, 2017
Cranes Records 17
Audio Tape with big box
Limited Edition .../50