Human Range


"(...) Aware of the problems underlying the concept of "narration", photographer Ludovica Anzaldi, who intended to tell and collect endless stories, decided that she would let her subjects be the only ones authors of the story. By acting as a simple means, as an intermediary, as a means by which they can express themselves, each woman photographed had total freedom to be represented exactly as she wished, and to reveal herself to Ludovica's camera in the way that suited him best. And if many have in mind the concept of female gaze, in the production of images, the Human Range project of Ludovica Anzaldi could express it squarely, and in the same way way to totally eliminate it.
(...) From this photographic series, Ludovica also conceived a project similar to a book, in which it allowed women to lie on the surface of a chapter, giving them carte blanche concerning the arrangement of their images and the addition of notes, written texts, collages or old photographs. From this book was born a series of video documentaries in which we deepened the experience of the protagonists. (...)" (Source and link: i-D - translated from Italian)

Text by Carolina Davalli
Photograph of Ludovica Anzaldi
Documentary videos: Interviews, photography and montages by Ludovica Anzaldi and Denis Rouillard