White Night Ghosts


Behind the enigmatic alias of White Night Ghosts is a young french man, Antoine Warneck. Aged 25 years-old, he lives in Bangkok after living in Rennes (Brittany), a cultural hub from which pop music often radiates all around the country. From pop, White Night Ghosts probably just kept the efficiency and the capacity to etch his music into listener’s mind. 

After a first EP in 2013, Joy, White Night Ghosts’s music crosses the atlantic and find its way in the soundtrack of Sean Baker’s brilliant movie Tangerine. New transatlantic, the movie and its soundtrack lands in Deauville in 2015 to win the Jury Prize at the renowned American Film Festival.

Meanwhile, Antoine keeps on a true surgical work that will eventually give birth to the four tracks of Exorcism Party. For seventeen minutes, we’re immersed in a coherent and intoxicating atmosphere where it’s hard to tell where would White Night Ghosts’s music better fits on the massive sound-system of a huge factory transformed into a giant night- club ? Or maybe in a sweaty and overheated vault full of of youngsters with Siouxsie or Robert Smith’s hair-cuts ?

We sometimes think about the industrial-techno assaults of Ancient Methods or Silent Servant, the synthetic shoegaze of the early M83, the stirring 80’s infused rhythmics of Carpenter Brut or the sonic radicality of Youth Code. 

The final result is a striking EP, a dance machine calibrated for a generation born too late for the great shoegaze wave and the techno pioneers, but whose genius resides in this ability to make two radical and essential movements coexist in such a beautiful way.