Single extracted from Something Like Eternity, Wreck by The History of Colour TV speaks of a before and an after. Within the former, there is a sense of hope. In the latter, everything has been destroyed, and all that remains is a sense of regret for the past, and how outcomes could have been better.
Wreck becomes a theme that is declined here with a cold material, concrete (ultra high performance fiber reinforced concrete : UHP-FRC). The symbolic weight of the disc (about 600g) responds to the weight of the song, and the footprint of the groove is both a risk of diamond destruction and a way to ring the mineral. The box contains the concrete disk and its identification card, and is limited to 15 copies. The reading may damage your diamond.
Release Date : April 22, 2017
Cranes Records 20-B
Ultra high performance concrete record with box and I-D card.
Limited edition .../15